06-30167091           info@nickybouwers.nl

Soloist (alto) ~ Petite Messe Solennelle

Nicky Bouwers is soloist (alto) in Gioacchino Antonio Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle. Capella Rotterdam conducted by Alied Oosterhoff.
Entree: € 16
Using the RotterdamPas: € 12
Children up to 12 years: free entrance.
Before that time you have the opportunity to buy tickets by e-mail Order tickets. Your name, address and – when relevant – the number of your Rotterdampas. As soon as we ‘ve received your payment your reserved tickets are available at the entrance from half an hour before the start of the concert. You also can order tickets via 010 4612719. Without doubt you can buy tickets at the entrance of the concert hall.

vrijdag 22 april 2016

Oude Kerk Charlois
Charloisse Kerksingel 35 ~ Rotterdam